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Sixth International Students’ Ecology and Environment Forum

——Promoting Harmonious Coexistence Between Humans and Nature with Ecological Civilization


Second Announcement

一、主论坛议程安排 Agenda of the Forum



In order to further deepen the idea of ecological civilization, accelerate the green and low-carbon transition, achieve the goal of carbon peak and carbon neutrality, and provide domestic and foreign students with a learning and exchange platform for cutting-edge progress in the environmental field, Beijing Normal University, Beijing Society of Environmental Sciences and the Ecological Civilization Education & Research Branch of China Higher Education co-host the 6th International Students Ecology and Environment Forum (ISEEF), which is jointly organized by the School of Environment of Beijing Normal University, the Office of International Exchange & Cooperation of Beijing Normal University and the Environmental Education Branch of Beijing Society of Environmental Sciences .

The 6th International StudentsEcology and Environment forum is scheduled on December 2-3, 2023 (Saturday and Sunday) and the forum will be held in the form of  combination of online and offline. The opening ceremony will be held in Yingdong Academic Hall at Beijing Normal University at 9:00 a.m. on December 3rd, 2023, and will be broadcast live online.


Date: December 2, 2023

0900 - 1700                  参会人员线上签到 Sign In Online


Date: December 3, 2023


Link and QR code to live broadcast site of the opening ceremony:



0830 0900

现场签到 Sign In Onsite


LocationThe First Floor at Yingdong Academic Hall

0900 0930

开幕式主持 Opening Ceremony Host


Xu Linyu, Session Chair, Board Member of Beijing Society for Environmental Science, Chair of Environmental Education Branch of Beijing Society for Environmental Science, Secretary of the Party Committee of School of Environment, BNU


Speeches by Special Guests


Shen Zhenyao, Dean of School of Environment, BNU


Wu Yujun, Director of Office of International Exchange and Cooperation of BNU


He Kebin, Director General of Ecological Civilization Education & Research Branch of China Association of Higher Education, Fellow of Chinese Academy of Engineering

0930 1000

参会人员合影 Group Photo of the Participants

茶歇 Coffee Break

1000 – 1100

大会报告主持 Keynote Speakers Presentation Host


Tian Xin, Session Chair, Vice Professor of School of Environment, BNU

特邀嘉宾大会报告 Keynote Speakers Presentation

中美制药协会会Dave Cragin

Dr. Dave Cragin, President Elect of the SinoAmerican Pharmaceutical Association

日本名城大学Soocheol Lee教授

Soocheol Lee, Professor of Meijo University.

1100 – 1130


1130 – 1330

午休 Lunch Break

1330 – 1620

分论坛 Breakout Sessions

(地点:京师大厦 LocationJingshi Building

1620 1640

茶歇 Coffee Break(到多功能厅B就座 Go to Muti-Fuction Room B

1640 1710


荷兰特文特大学Alexey Voinov

Alexey VoinovProfessor of the University of Twente

1710 1730

闭幕颁奖仪式 Closing and Awards Ceremony

、特邀主旨演讲 ISEEF-2023 Keynote Speakers



报告人Dave Cragin 博士

基本信息Dave Cragin博士,毒理学家Teva 制药公司环境、健康、安全和可持续发展部产品科学和可持续发展高级总监。他为EHS&S职能的全面领导做出了贡献,领导创建职工日常接触暴露的安全数据表和职业接触限值阈值以保护员工安全。此外,他还是β-内酰胺、二氧化钛和氧化铁领域的专家。曾在默克公司担任质量保证总监等职位。除Teva制药公司任职外,他还在北京大学和北京师范大学教授风险评估和批判性思维写作等课程并在全球范围内教授风险沟通。精通多种语言,会说中文,是毒理学教育基金会的受托人,曾任中大西洋毒理学学会主席,也是费城批判性思维协会的理事。他在加州大学戴维斯分校获得药理学和毒理学博士学位,在罗德岛大学获得动物学学士学位,是美国毒理学委员会的外交官。最近,Cragin博士当选为中美制药协会会长,是该协会30年来的第一位美国人。

Title:Moving to Renewable Energy during Extreme Weather

Speaker: Dr. Dave Cragin

Introduction: Dr. Dave Cragin, DABT, is Senior Director of Product Science and Sustainability in the department of Environment, Health, Safety and Sustainability at Teva Pharmaceutical. He contributes to the overall leadership of EHS&S functions and also he leads a team that creates safety data sheets and occupational exposure limits to support efforts to protect employee safety and acceptable daily exposures for quality operations. Hes also a subject matter expert on beta lactams, titanium dioxide, and iron oxide. Previously he served as a Director in Quality Assurance and multiple other roles for Merck & Co. Outside of Teva, he teaches risk assessment and critical thinking for the Peking University, and Beijing Normal University. In addition, he has taught risk communication across the globe. He speaks Chinese and is knowledgeable in many languages. Dr. Cragin is a Trustee of the Toxicology Education Foundation, is Past- President of the Mid-Atlantic Society of Toxicology, and a Councilor for the Philadelphia Association for Critical Thinking. He received his Ph.D. in Pharmacology and Toxicology from University of California, Davis, his B.S. in Zoology from the University of Rhode Island, and is a Diplomate of the American Board of Toxicology. He was recently elected as President Elect of the Sino-American Pharmaceutical Association, the first American in it 30 years.



报告人Soocheol Lee 教授

基本信息Soocheol Lee教授,日本名城大学经济学院教授。毕业于韩国首尔国立大学,并在日本京都大学研究生院获得博士学位。曾任韩国工业联合会担任经济研究部组长、环境经济与政策研究学会(SEEPS,日本)理事,亚洲环境与资源经济协会(AAERE)副主席;现任韩国环境经济协会(KEEA)的理事和顾问。自2002年起,领导东亚环境政策研究小组,撰写多篇关于东亚可持续低碳经济能源和环境政策设计与合作的书籍和论文。

Title: Impact of Carbon Neutrality on the Japanese Economy and Industry Assuming the Implementation of Japan’s Low Caron Policy Mixes: A 2050 Perspective Based on the E3ME Macro-Econometric Model

Speaker: Prof. Soocheol Lee

Introduction: Soocheol Lee is a Professor of Faculty of Economics, Meijo University in Japan. He graduated from Seoul National University in Korea and received his PhD at the Graduate School of Kyoto University in Japan. He had worked for the Federation of Korean Industry as a team leader of Economic Research Department for about 10 years before he came to Japan. He has leaded Research Group of East Asia Environmental Policy Studies since 2002 and has written many books and papers on energy and environmental policy design and cooperation for sustainable low-carbon economy in East Asia. He served as a Director of the Society for Environmental Economics and Policy Studies (SEEPS,Japan) and also a Vice president of the Asian Association of Environmental and Resource Economics(AAERE). He is currently a Direct and Adviser of Korea Environmental Economics Association (KEEA).



报告人Alexey Voinov 教授

基本信息Alexey Voinov是荷兰特特大学工程技术学院土木工程与管理系可持续发展科学说服系统建模教授。他是悉尼科技大学的杰出教授,创办并领导了明智自适应生活说服系统教师中心(PERSWADE)。在加入悉尼科技大学之前,Alexey是特文特大学ITC可持续发展科学时空系统建模教授。负责协调切萨皮克研究联盟社区建模项目,也是约翰霍普金斯大学的首席研究科学家。他在美国陆军工程兵团的AAAS科学技术奖学金项目中工作了一年在马里兰大学和佛蒙特大学生态经济研究所工作了十多年。他拥有俄罗斯莫斯科国立大学的理学硕士和博士学位。他是利益相关者参与建模和决策的积极倡导者,也是参与式建模实践社区(Participatory modeling Community of Practice)的创始人之一https://participatorymodeling.org)。出版过“生态经济学的系统科学和建模”书籍(学术出版社/爱思唯尔)。

Title: Persuasive Modeling in Time and Space for Sustainability Science

Speaker: Prof. Alexey Voinov

Introduction: Alexey Voinov is professor of Persuasive systems modeling for sustainability science at Department of Civil Engineering and Management, Faculty of Engineering Technology, University of Twente, Netherlands. He was a Distinguished Professor at University of Technology Sydney, where he started and led the faculty Center on Persuasive Systems for Wise Adaptive Living (PERSWADE).   Before joining UTS, Alexey was professor of Spatio-Temporal Systems Modeling for Sustainability Science at ITC, University of Twente. Prior to that he was coordinating the Chesapeake Research Consortium Community Modeling Program, and was also Principle Research Scientist at John's Hopkins University.  He has spent a year with the AAAS Science and Technology Fellowship program working with the Army Corps of Engineers. For over ten years he was with the Institute for Ecological Economics, Univ. of Maryland and Vermont. He has his MSc and PhD from Moscow State University, Russia. He is a keen advocate of stakeholder involvement in modeling and decision making,  and is one of the founders of the Participatory Modeling Community of Practice ( https://participatorymodeling.org ).  He wrote a book on Systems Science and Modeling for Ecological Economics (Academic Press/Elsevier).

、分论坛议程 Agenda of Breakout Sessions


Environmental Pollution Prevention and Control and Ecological Restoration


Session Chairs: Yang Yu, Li Anjie


LocationThe First Conference Room at the third floor of Jingshi Building


Environmental Pollution Prevention and Control and Ecological Restoration


Session Chairs: Liu Shaoda, Gao Qun


LocationThe Second Conference Room at the third floor of Jingshi Building


Green High-Quality Development


Session Chairs: Zhan Jinyan, Liu Shiliang


LocationThe Forth Conference Room at the third floor of Jingshi Building


Green High-Quality Development


Session Chairs: Meng Fanxin, Zhao Hongyan


LocationThe Fifth Conference Room at the third floor of Jingshi Building


Climate Changing and Carbon Peak Carbon Neutrality

分论坛评委Soocheol Lee田欣李慧

Session Chairs: Soocheol Lee, Tian XinLi Hui


LocationThe Multi-Function Room B at the second floor of Jingshi Building

、参会事宜及注意事项 Note for Participants

1)口头报告 Oral Report




All students making an oral presentation during the forum should prepare a PPT and a speech for about 10 minutes. Please don’t overrun your allotted time. There will be 5 minutes for Q & A after each presentation.

To facilitate interactions, it is recommended that a brief introduction of the speaker’s research field and personal profile be included in each speech.

To ensure smooth progress during the forum, please prepare PPT and arrive the venue of the session in advance.

2海报展示 Poster


   Please make a poster according to the requirements in the invitation letter, there will be a poster presentation in the meeting, please prepare a 1-2 minutes introduction in advance.

3)旁听 Listener



There will be no registration fee.

The audience may watch the opening ceremony onsite and take part in the interactive discussion via a live broadcast link (or by scanning the QR code above).


Contact Us:


Address: Room 205A, School of Environment, Beijing Normal University

Telephone: 010-58805835

Email: envlxs@bnu.edu.cn


For details about the forum, please follow the website: /.  
